Personal Trivia
Just to be clear:
Command red,
not “Oh, god, Jim, he’s dead” red.
Graduate of Stanford University and the American Film Institute. Farm to (editing) table.
Certified trainer for the Enneagram in Business. Wanna know your Type? Let’s talk …
Awards for writing and video production, including:
Award of Excellence in the Society for Technical Communication's International Video Competition
Against competitors like the US Department of Defense and IBM. (You know: the little guys)Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year Award from the San Francisco Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center
So: doing your own thing can be rewarding.
Wrote an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation for Paramount Pictures Television.
Seriously. Still get residuals (the gift that keeps on giving).Appeared on Jeopardy. I miss Alex …
Trained in voice-over narration. Why yes, I do talk funny sometimes. Why do you ask?
Published the LA Weekly, the Marin Independent Journal, Animal Chronicles (Humane Society), Exploring (The Exploratorium Science Museum), and technology and entertainment trade publications.
Okay, I’m fresh out of breezy comments …