Curriculum and Training
Skuid is a robust low-code application product. There’s a lot you can do with the product—a lot!—but you need to learn how to use it to be effective. We had lots of experienced users, but wanted a way to invite new customers into the water. We were sure that, once they saw Skuid in action and tried it out on a simple page or two, they’d be surfing the waves in no time.
We built a customer educational portal called Skuid Learn (using Skuid itself, ‘cuz hey, application development is what we’re all about). We created multi-lesson journeys to help users grok the basics plus a couple of simple “getting started” projects. Not to leave the more experienced users behind, we added some content covering more specialized topics, like using charts and graphs to visualize data.
I’m particularly proud of …
App Design Basics, where I walk builders through using Design Thinking before build the app (user experience for the win!)
Display Logic Basics, an exploration of Skuid’s versatile conditional rendering and enabling features.
Visualization Basics, all about making data visible.